Israeli Ex-Intel Boss Yakov Kedmi: Not Every Tourist From Russia is a Spy, Theresa!

- Yakov Kedmi has his own view…

- The notorious Novichoks…

- Of course, he is somewhat aware of the way the intelligence agencies act. But he is finally on the plane on his way to Moscow. But we recorded a quick comment by him on this. Unfortunately, we couldn't make a video. We only have an audio file. Listen to what Yakov Kedmi thinks of the situation.


Yakov Kedmi, society figure (Israel): "What's crucial about that interview is that those guys spoke in public, that they agreed to make a public appearance, which refutes the statements saying that they belong to any of the Russian intelligence agencies, especially the GRU. The fact that they've spoken in public and what they've said provides enough reason to believe that what the British said wasn't true. First, they've given quite a clear explanation of what they did. Moreover, they've revealed facts which the British either tried to gloss over or just didn't evaluate professionally. They've indicated the exact time when they were in Salisbury on the first day. The photos of them being in Salisbury must have been taken accordingly, I mean when they came for the first time, where they were, and when they left. Cameras fixed all this, and the British intelligence agencies possess the footage now. The fact they visited the cathedral was also verified as both the cathedral and its outskirts have cameras. So, cameras must have verified them being there too. That is, the fact that the British authorities either purposefully or incompetently omitted all of the movements that they had documented and that they have footage of casts doubt on Britain's statements.

Moreover, judging from these guys' behavior, they must be brilliant actors to behave like this, allegedly being intelligence officers. This is unlikely. Their behavior, their speech, their rationale, everything that they said, all of this doesn't add up with what intelligence officers, especially GRU officers, do. From what I know about GRU officers, I mean the First Chief Directorate, their behavior is different from that of these guys, their level and ability to engage in conversation.

So, it is completely safe to say that the British made an unnecessary move which, in essence, finally ruined all their theories of involvement by Russian military intelligence officers in this tragicomedy with the Skripals".

- Well, we should understand that the British don't need it. They don't need evidence, the genre is utterly different.

- They'll have to find some now. Because these newly appeared men gave so many details of where they had been, when they had had coffee, etc., that you can't but check it. So, the British should switch out their hysteria for concrete actions and explanations.