Russia in Numbers: Do Russians Still Want Vacations Abroad or Are They Choosing to Stay at Home?

How much are Russians planning to spend on vacations?

How much are Russians planning to spend on vacations?

What percentage of respondents plan to travel in 2018? According to the NAFI, 2018.

Abroad — 32%

Around Russia — 58%


What percentage of Russians plan to travel abroad (Percentage of batches)?

Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg — 52%

Residents of cities with a population of 1M+ — 44%

Residents of cities with a population of 100-950 thousand — 30%

Residents of villages and the countryside — 24%

What percentage of Russians plan to travel around Russia (Percentage of batches)?

Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg — 61

Residents of cities with a population of 1M+ — 65

Residents of cities with 100-950 thousand — 59

Residents of villages and the countryside — 54

Approximate budget of the trip in thousand rubles per person

Abroad — 61

Around Russia — 40